Friday 30 October 2015

Message in a Bottle

We proved to be a good  audience today when listening to our 'Message in a Bottle' contributions. 

We liked hearing what our classmates and their families would write. 

We especially enjoyed hearing the message sent by an alien from the future!

Fall-O-Ween...Celebrating all things Autumn.

What a busy week we have had! We began our celebration of Autumn with a really fun 'Autumn Hunt'. As you can see we really enjoyed our outdoor learning!

Other learning this week included; Pumpkin Measuring, Making Pumpkin Pie, Writing fantastic Pumpkin Pie instructions for Angus the Alien, Pumpkin PE and Autumn Art in the style of Vincent Van Gogh... and the list goes on! 

... and no Autumn celebration would be complete without a spot of Apple Dukin' :)

Term 1 Catch Up

We thoroughly enjoyed our 'Me and Our Marvellous Body' project' and completed it by thinking about how to keep our body healthy. We created fantastic hand washing posters to help others keep healthy too!

All the Primary 4's worked hard on their 'Genre Writing Challenge' and made a fantastic job of presenting their work to the whole class.

The class thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning during our 'Good Samaritan' assembly.